May 4-5

Activity 3.5 Archetypal Theory and The Hero’s Journey Monomyth 

In this lesson, you will be learning about a third theory-The Archetypal Theory.  

Using the resources listed below, complete a note. I have set the note up for you to guide you through this process.  

Archetypal Note –OneNote

Archetypal Note –Google doc

Choose the resources (list below) that best suit your learning situation, and use as many as you need to complete all of the note requirements.  

When you finish the note, you will be applying this learning to Moon of the Crusted Snow. See Below.

So, as you learn about the Archetypal Theory and the Hero’s Journey Monomyth, think about Moon of the Crusted Snow through this lens. What archetypal characters can you identify in the book? What type of hero is Evan? What stages of the hero’s journey appear in the book? 

You might add your thinking about Moon to your note.

Possible Resources 

Archetypal Theory PPT with video 

Archetypal Theory Reading 

The Hero’s Journey Prezi 

Types of Heroes Reading 


HJ and Archetypal charts in Word

HJ and Archetypal charts in Google Drive