Exam Review

Your course portfolio is due today at 4:00.

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Today, we will begin the exam review.  I will take some time today to go over how to write a good essay-style exam answer. You can see that there are two exam questions that ask you to write in an organized, methodical manner. This means that the answer is organized around a thesis statement and that there is evidence to support your thinking integrated into the answer.

Let’s consider the following prompt:

Your character undergoes a hero’s journey in this story. Select at least three of the steps of the hero’s journey and prove that the plot of this story is, in fact, a hero’s journey, by proving that the story matches up with these steps.

Content marks or what combination of general and specific comments will give me 12 marks?

  1. 12 general points—very unlikely
  2. 6 general points, with an illustration for each point—ok
  3. 4 general points, with 2 examples or 1 lengthy illustration—better
  4. 3 general points, with at least 2 examples both with explanations—best

Plan an answer to this prompt using one of the above formulas. Be prepared to share your thinking with the class. You have 15 minutes.

Put your thinking on chart paper and share.

Finally, we will review the True Grit essay and annotate it for content and style.

Style marks:

  1. Introductory sentence/Hook                /1
  2. Sentence variety                                      /2
  3. Spelling and grammar                           /2     
  4. Word use and rhetorical use                /2
  5. Concluding sentence                              /1

Continue to review for the exam tonight, and be prepared to ask me questions about it tomorrow.