Monday, May 9, 2016

Learning Goals
I am learning to…
Apply reading strategies so we can make meaning from a text;
Read different forms of texts;
Identify the elements of a variety of texts
Use evidence to support my ideas
Explain how specific choices an author makes in terms of conventions and stylistic features affect the reader’s understanding of the content of a text.


Part One:
Review Literary Criticism
Review register: Level of language

‘Register’ means the tone and level of formality of language. Whether speaking or writing, you must always choose the register appropriate to your audience and purpose. Standard English is always appropriate to formal situations, as well as many informal situations (for example when addressing people you do not know). At other times, fine judgement must be used. You should consider the age and background of your expected audience along with your purpose in writing or speaking.

Then you’ll begin working on your analysis of “Transients of Arcadia”.

  1. Finish the questions:  “Transients of Arcadia” study guide
  2. Analyzing a Short Story Using Literary Theory is due Wednesday at the end of class.