Reader’s Notes



Reading for Meaning: “The Island” is marked and in your Assessment section of your notebook.

Collaborative Thinking in Mindomo is marked and in your “Assessment” section of your notebook.

If you don’t have a mark and I have indicated the task is not done, but you believe it is, please see me.

Remember to use the Tracking Sheet to guide and support you. BUT only comment on tasks that you have completely finished, not just started. 

Write down everything you know about literary elements on one side of the page and everything you know about literary devices on the other side. 
Submit the page to the course bin.

Question Formulation Technique or QFT

Moon of the Crusted Snow

Reader’s Notes


Monday, November 20, 2017


handouts–sentences and proofreader’s marks



a mentor text

“On the Rainy River”

  1. Annotated story
  2. Questions 1-6
  3. Analysis questions x 2
  4. Literary Analysis chart
  5. Reader’s Notes

 Reading Notes

from Oct. 30-31 post

“On the Rainy River”

You have read it once. Re-read and annotate the text for:

  • Narrative elements
  • Literary devices or figurative language
  • Your response to the story
  • Your literary theoretical lens

Divide the story into three sections:

#1  paragraphs 1-14

#2 paragraphs 15-54

#3 paragraph 55-80

Now make a note using this template.


Submit all work.



I AM LEARNING TO examine texts from different perspectives so that I can uncover layers of meaning.



  • I can identify the narrative elements and devices
  • I can read for the purpose of analysing the features of a text
  • I can identify the perspectives, ideas, experiences, and beliefs in a text.
  • I can identify how my understanding of a text might be altered depending on the lens applied;
  • I can apply one theory to a text to construct meaning from that text.

The strategies I am using to meet the success criteria and goal include:

  • setting a purpose question
  • annotating the text
  • making reader’s notes
  • using class notes/handouts and my knowledge of narrative elements, literary devices, and literary theory