Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Learning Goals:
I am learning to…
make interpretations from reading, ask critical questions, uncover perspectives, and engage in conversations to form conclusions;
use a variety of listening strategies to understand information and ideas;
use my understanding of the text to help me participate more effectively in group discussions;
identify and explain my evidence of learning.

Today is a short day, so get organized for your literature circle meeting quickly. You want to ensure 40 minutes for your conversation. Your group folders are on the back shelf. Please place all the question cards and completed Reader’s Journal in the folder.

When you have finished your discussion, please complete the Literature Circle Self-Reflection and post it to Sesame.

Tomorrow we blog.

Have fun!

Friday, March 11, 2016

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Speaking to Communicate: use speaking skills and strategies appropriately to communicate with different audiences for a variety of purposes;

Reading With Fluency: use knowledge of words and cueing systems to read fluently

Today, we are doing 3 things:

I. We will practice our speaking skills.

  1. Add Vocaroo to your bookmark bar
  2. Read “History Lesson”
  3. Record poem and submit via course blog

II. Write weekly reflection in Sesame: Week #3

Add evidence. And reflect on listening, speaking, reading, writing, thinking, or creating skills.

III. Sign up for

Class ID:
