Thursday, March 10, 2016

After each literature circle meeting, you will have a period booked so that you can blog about your literature circle.  You will be given a series of prompts. You can choose which prompt you wish to respond to. You will be permitted to use your literature circle notes and reader’s journals from the previous day’s meeting.

Here are your topics (Choose ONE):

Week 1 Topics:

1)  Identify the stages of the hero journey present in your novel so far. Explain how the hero of your novel reacts to the call.  Be sure to refer to specific examples from the text.

2)  Starting over is a theme that we have been exploring. How does this idea emerge in your novel? How has the protagonist “fallen on her face”, and how do you think he will figure out how to pick himself up, dust himself off, and walk on? Be sure to refer to specific examples from the text.

3) Narrative point of view. Both novels switch narrative points of view. Using specific examples from the text, describe the effect that shifting points of view have on the story. What is the author attempting to achieve by using this narrative technique?

4) How are the female characters in your novel represented by the author? What roles do they serve? What are the relationships like between men and women? How much power do women in your novel have? Are there consequences when they exercise their power?


Once responses are posted, you are required to read at least two other posts and comment. Comments can be short (1-3 sentences) but they should advance the discussion in some way and must be respectful and polite. You can advance the discussion by agreeing and adding, disagreeing and explaining why, or making an observation and asking a question.

Reminders: For a level 4 blog post you should be aiming for about 500 words. Go beyond the surface. Feel free to explore ideas other than just the ones suggested by the prompt. Make connections to material studied in class.  Show evidence that you’re using your journals by referring to specific evidence from the text. Please demonstrate proper use of paragraphs, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization.


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