Working on an Independent Study Unit. 

  1. Review the instructions and timelines (hint: we are at conference #2 or reader’s notes for the second half of the novel should be completed).
  2. Work on reader’s notes. 
    1. Read handouts on close reading.
    2. Review the big ideas of the lecture that your novel connects to.
  3. Schedule time to work on notes independently (hence the title of the task–ISU)
  4. Conference to get feedback and/or share your notes with me for feedback.

The writing process

Topic: Science Fiction

Prompt: Society needs/does not need science fiction.

Text format: Persuasive essay

Audience: Peers

Purpose: to convince your peers that science fiction is/is not an important genre

What to do and when?

Brainstorm ideas—-May 7

Use the outline to plan—-May 7

Draft the essay— May 10

Send the essay to me for initial feedback —May 11

Revise the essay using feedback and the Peer/Self-edit Sheet—May 13

Ask a peer to review the essay, using the Peer/Self-edit Sheet—May 13

Revise one more time. —May 13

Publish essay on your blog. —May 13