Remote Learning Week 5

While you’re waiting…. 

Keva Plank Death Spiral Collapse for Keva Planks

If you are interested in seeing more go here #kevaplanks.

If you want to play along there are many ideas on this document.

If you do not have #kevaplanksuse straws or any object around the house that is the same size.

AND Please complete the following survey. I sent it out last Thursday via email. Many of you have already completed it. Thank you!

AND sign-up for a conference 

AND add your independent novel choice to this chart.

Review the tracking sheet. ALL PURPLE ITEMS to MARCH 13TH will be included in mid-term mark UNLESS the purple items since then increase your mark.

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday April 20-22 

Take up Unit 2 Test. General feedback on annotation and on writing. 

Unit 2 Summative Task.

Thursday, April 22

Collaborative Mind Map Reflection for Unit 2. You must include examples from the course texts.

Friday, April 24

Work period.

Every day at 12:45, I will have this document posted in the video call and I will be available at that time to answer questions. 


Remote Learning. A new beginning.

Photo by Danny Lines on Unsplash

This week (March 23-27) we will re-organize ourselves to learn in our digital spaces. We are quite prepared for this move because we already have

  • a Onenote notebook;
  • a course folder in Onedrive;
  • a way to submit course work (Assignment submission page);
  • a digital tracking sheet.

March 23 and 24 have been set aside for teachers to plan for the move to online learning. I will communicate with you mostly through your WBE email and this blog. Check them both daily. 

Your work for the next two days is to continue re-reading Moon of the Crusted Snow, identifying places in the text that provide evidence for the big idea that you are tracking, and creating your reader’s notes. Remember that all of the support documents and exemplars for reader’s notes are in Onenote: Content Library: Unit 3. 

If you don’t have your English notes and novel, then you will have to contact the school to arrange a time to go in to get them. 

Wednesday, we will gather in Teams so we can learn how to use that platform for mini-lessons, class discussions, and one-on-one conferences. 

Remember to stay calm, follow the covid protocols, and keep the lines of communication open between us. We will get through this together. 

My contact information: 


Twitter: @wawhsroom121

Instagram: whsenglish