Retrieval Practice and Hooks & Conclusions


This is a daily feature where we can share with each other some workflow productivity tip or computer hack that will help us be more effective learners. But it might also be a time when we give feedback on a process or event. And it might also be a thought-of-the-day or a connection we make to the course content. 

I’ll start. 

Adding a Microsoft app to your phone: Outlook or Teams. Why? 

Quiz #1

screenshot your score and put it in your Assessment and Reflection Folder


Update your tracking sheet and make a plan to get caught up.


Hooks & Conclusions Lesson


1. Lessons 1.1 to 1.9 need to be completed. Use the tracking sheet to guide you.

2. Monday we move on to lecture #4 and blog post #3. 

Semester Two!

This blog is home base for our course. We will do most of our work in OneNote and Word, but the blog remains  an indispensable resource. Let’s begin by completing a blog AND OneNote scavenger hunt. 


Next, let’s see how many English vocabulary terms you can recall. —>Quizlet

If you don’t have a Quizlet account already, please sign-up for one and join this class.


Next, I’d like you to sign-up for Hypothesis (or log in if you already have an account). 

Go to

Click on Get Started.

Then click on Free Account.

Enter your credentials.

Go to your email account and verify.

Log in to

Install Chrome extension

JOIN the WHS Senior English Group

Now, we are ready to begin our first lesson: Is grammar important?


Monday, October 16, 2017

Ind reading + reading log: a NEW one for this week. Do the math. Are you reading 200 pages per week? We have been reading for six weeks, which means 1200 pages. 

Reading list—Look at Balen’s

Choose your novel for summative task by October 30th. Consider the literary lens:

Grade 10 Reader Response and Archetypal/Hero Journey

Grade 11 Reader Response, Archetypal/Hero Journey and Feminist

Grade 12 Reader Response, Archetypal/Hero Journey, Feminist and Post-Colonial

From this point forward some days we won’t read our novels. We will read mentor texts.



You are going to create an About Me page.

Add at least a paragraph of text to this page on your blog. For some ideas of what you can add have a look at the following:

After adding the text we are going to +1 your about me page with an animated GIF created by YOU using the site Giphy.

Here’s how.

  1. Find a short (5 seconds or less) clip on a YouTube video or Vimeo video that you want to turn into a GIF.
  2. Grab the URL of that YT video and put it into the Giphy Maker.
  3. Insert some text, choose the font you want and the placement you want.
  4. Create the GIF
  5. Click advanced and look for the download link
  6. Login to your blog and go to your About Me page and click edit
  7. Then insert the image via URL and add the Giphy link.
  8. Click update and see if it worked.
  9. When you are done please post GIF in HIGHTAIL.
    1. Save your GIF to your hard drive.
    2. Go to Hightail and login
    3. Upload from the computer.
    4. If you don’t get a chance to do this today, submit to the Assignment submission page.