Monday, November 13, 2017

Evidence of Learning Document: Midterm Edition

For those of you who hit the Friday deadline, please review your document. If there is a row that does not have a green check mark, it means that you need to do something there. Generally, it means that you either have to revise your work or revise the level you attributed to that assignment. 

This happens when we

  1. Don’t follow instructions
  2. Are unclear about the instructions
  3. Are learning how to assess
  4. Forgotten to include part of a task
  5. Forgotten to use the rubric to assess
  6. Link in documents that do not have the right permissions set

Please check your email once per day. 

And make sure you have your Learning Skills completed.

I will be finalizing your marks, learning skills, and comments today beginning at 5:00 p.m. You have until that time to make any changes. 

If I go to your document and changes have not been made, despite having something in all 15 rows if only 9 have check marks, then your mark will be adjusted accordingly. 

For those of you who are done, or who finish during this class, or who did not submit a completed document by the deadline, please work on the following:

  • Reader’s notes Part I. Due November 14th in class. Submit hard copies to course bin. Submit digital copies to Assignment submission page.
  • Reader’s notes Part 2: Due November 21st in class. 
  • Quizlet—retrieval practice


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Today you will take this Unit 2 Quiz

Reader’s Notes: Your independent novel

Grade 10—see your Onenote Notebook. Handouts Section

Grade 11 

Grade 12



Monday I will introduce the Evidence of Learning Document: Midterm Edition.

I will not be in class Tuesday to Friday of next week.

You will have Tuesday to Friday of next week to complete the Evidence of Learning Document: Midterm Edition and Learning Skills.

Evidence of Learning Document: Midterm Edition is due FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10 AT MIDNIGHT. There are NO exceptions to this deadline. If you miss this deadline, you will recieve 35% on your report card and all Ns for learning skills.

October 30-31, 2017

What book have you chosen for your course summative?

Notify me and your classmates of your book choice and provide a brief explanation of why you are interested in working with this book. You will post this information in your blogs. Have a look at some other students’ blogs:

Grade 10

Grade 11
your reading speed. 

In the last two weeks, we have worked on annotating short fictional texts and considering them from a particular literary lens. This week we will continue to focus on reading and annotating but we will add in note making. 

The goal is to be able to read a text multiple times, make meaning with the text and make that meaning visible to yourself by annotating or marking up the text and then to gather your thinking and the evidence from the text into notes that can then be used to write or to discuss the topic/theme/ideas further. 

So in short form, good learners

  1. Read a text multiple times
  2. Annotate the text (and answer the questions, should there be some)
  3. Gather your thinking & evidence into notes

In order to make this all happen, we need to be competent readers:

  • Read quickly
  • Read accurately

Read the article

Do a reading test

In your journal, record your speed. And a comment about it. Does it need to be boosted? Is it okay? What will you do to increase your speed?

or making Reading Notes

“On the Rainy River”

You have read it once. Re-read and annotate the text for:

  • Narrative elements
  • Literary devices or figurative language
  • Your response to the story
  • Your literary theoretical lens

Divide the story into three sections:

#1  paragraphs 1-14

#2 paragraphs 15-54

#3 paragraph 55-80

Now make a note using this template.

This work–the annotated story and the note– are due at the end of class.